<aside> 💙 As children of immigrants ourselves, we understand how difficult it can be to manage our own respons ibilities and the responsibilities of caring for an aging loved one. Below is a compilation of resources we’ve created and select companies to support your caregiving endeavors.


Updated: November 2022

Conversations About Health

We created Conversations About Health to open a dialogue with your loved ones about healthcare before it’s too late. Based on guidance from healthcare and geriatric care experts, these prompts help you understand your loved one’s overall health and learn what they might need (now or in the future), while showing them that you care.

Conversations About Health Cover.png

To view these prompts, please click the links below to access the version in your preferred language. Please note that all cards include English as well as the specified language.

English Version

Traditional Chinese Version

Simplified Chinese Version

Spanish Version

Note: We worked with a team of volunteer bilingual translators for the Spanish, traditional and simplified Chinese prompts (which also include Mandarin Pinyin). We understand that there may be regional nuances in each of these languages but have tried to make these translations as universally comprehensible as possible. Please feel free to make your own verbal adjustments as you engage with your family.

Select Care Support & Navigation Companies


Select Assisted Living / Hospice / In-Home Care Companies
